Director Akim Laouar
DA Victor Sidoroff
Producer Axel Duarte
Agency Hotsince & Customer Service
Line Producer Tatiana Chièze
Location Manager Manon Squaratti
Director of Photography Mark Payne-Gill
Still Photographer Akim Laouar
Gaffer Frédéric Troehler
Best Boy Mikael Zwahlen
1st AC Benjamin Martin
2nd AC Gabriel Engelberts & Mikael Zwahlen
Aerial Shot Pierre Monnet
BTS Laurence Barro
Animal Handler Jacques-Olivier Travers
Post Production Supervisor Baptiste Erondel
Editor Marie-Réglisse Monsimier
VFX Andrei Bulatchik
Voice Over (FR) Roland Agami
Voice Over (DE) Dominik Valentin Peter
Sound Studio THE Studio Paris
Photo Editing Alex Fort & Jérémy Bouchet
Rental House Visuals Switzerland & Eye-Lite Switzerland
Studio L’iceBergues, Genève
Thanks to Mélanie Follonier